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Although personality tests are increasingly popular with HR professionals, there are still some misconceptions about their use.

Figure 1: Aptitude tests can predict job performance twice as well as job interviews. They are three times more predictive than job experience and four times more predictive than education.

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Research has shown that aptitude tests for cognitive abilities are better at predicting job performance and are more accurate than other hiring criteria. They are twice as predictive of job interviews, three times more predictive of experience, four times as predictive of education level, and four times as predictive about job performance.

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There are many types of pre-employment testing. This eBook will cover five major types of pre-employment tests: Emotional intelligence, aptitude, risk, and skills.

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Pre-employment tests are a great way to identify the best talent in this setting. Companies of all sizes can use pre-employment assessments as part of the candidate selection process to better understand the large pool of applicants for open positions. Technology may be the reason for an increase in applications. However, pre-employment testing makes it easier to incorporate into the hiring process.

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Aptitude tests assess critical thinking and problem solving. They also measure the ability to absorb, process, and apply new information. Cognitive aptitude tests are designed to evaluate an applicant's intelligence and brainpower. One study found that 70% of employers sought candidates who could problem solve, while 63% searched for applicants with analytical skills. Aptitude tests are a great way to help you assess these abilities. Aptitude tests are useful in all occupations, but they're especially helpful for higher-level positions. Aptitude tests are a test of the most important skills for job performance in a variety of fields. It's not surprising that aptitude is the most reliable predictor of job performance.

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As a way of filtering and managing large applicant pools, pre-employment tests have been increasingly popular in recent times. Job-seekers can now apply online for jobs faster than ever. One study found that on average 250 resumes are submitted to every corporate job opening. Job-seekers who are known as "resume spammers" distribute their resumes via the internet in large numbers, without regard for job fit or required qualifications. Recruiters have found that more than half of job applicants don't meet the requirements for the job, despite applicants reading job descriptions an average of 76.7 seconds. According to reports, hiring managers have a limited amount of time to review each candidate's resume. On average, they spend 6.25 seconds per application.